Bengal Tiger For Sale

Bengal tigers (panther tigris tigris) are mammals native to India, though they also live in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. Along with all other tigers, they have become an endangered species, with around 2,500 worldwide. Living in dense tropical forests and mangroves, as well as grasslands and subtropical rainforests, Bengal tigers have stripes that help them blend in with the tall grasses, which aids in hunting their prey. Weighing in at around 140-300kg and growing to lengths around 2.4-3.3 meters, they are tough and dangerous, finding themselves at the top of the food chain and known for their power and strength. They are carnivorous in nature and their diets include mostly boars, badgers, buffaloes, goats, and elephant calves. The normal life expectancy of a Bengal tiger is 10-15 years; however, they can live as long as 20 years in a zoo. Their top speed is 60mph.

No Bengal Tiger For Sale currently listed for placement


At the beginning of the 20th century, the population of the Bengal Tiger was around 100,000. Today, that population has dwindled. Even though they are predators at the top of their food chain, illegal hunting, habitat loss, and loss of their prey have decreased their population. One of the larger threats facing Bengal tigers is the poacher. Poachers often hunt Bengal tigers because of their pelt, which is seen as valuable. In the black market, Bengal pelts and body parts are in high demand, as they are used in traditional Asian medicine and in different industries. Even past these black market uses, though, big game hunters go after Bengals as a hunting trophy because they are among the most dangerous animals in India. When it comes to their habitat, human actions have led to the fragmentation of their habitat and their prey and a continuously shrinking habitat. Due to a rapid increase in the Indian population, the range the Bengal tiger needs to survive has decreased. Roads have also been created that cut into the habitat of the tiger, cutting them off from prey and hunting lands and displacing them from their homes. In addition to being cut off from hunting lands, their prey is also being hunted, which decreases the food available for the tigers. Even climate change is threatening Bengal tiger habitats. Rising sea levels erode coastal areas and change freshwater rivers to saline rivers, which forces the tiger to move north and away from the coast, shrinking their habitat. While these factors are decreasing the Bengal tiger population, zoos, sanctuaries, and wildlife laws seek to keep them from becoming extinct.


Bengal tigers are solitary, territorial predators who communicate through visual signals, scent marks, and vocalizations. They do not form family groups. They do interact briefly to mate and occasionally share their kill, however, they are often by themselves. The size of a tiger’s territory depends on where it’s located, the season, and the availability of prey. In areas with more prey, the territories tend to be smaller and in areas with fewer prey, the territories tend to be larger. Season affects their territory because of food availability, prey migrations, and weather. When it comes to male vs. female tigers, males have a larger territory and will often overlap the territories of several females. If there are more males in a territory, the tigers can become aggressive and they will compete for control of the territory. If the older male in a territory dies, the younger males can compete for ownership of the territory. If this happens, the females may also become aggressive. Where the territory of a male tiger is focused on resources and female tigresses, the territory of tigresses is focused on the resources needed to rear young and is often close to the territory of their own mother. A typical litter for the tigresses is 2-6 cubs. These cubs are raised exclusively by the tigress and they cannot hunt until they are 18 months old. Even when they do reach this age, however, they do not leave their mother for another 2-3 years. When they reach this age, they leave to find their own territories.

When it comes to daily behaviors, Bengal tigers are generally nocturnal, though they are active during the day as well. They often are active during dawn and dusk for their hunts. This pattern can vary with seasons, weather, and location. A large part of their day, aside from hunting, is spent grooming, using their rough tongue to remove dirt and loose hairs and to spread oils over their fur. They spend the rest of the day sleeping, conserving their energy for the night hunts. When it comes to how Bengal tigers are similar to other cats, a big difference is how they react to water. Unlike other cats, they love water and are powerful swimmers, using the water to cool themselves or hunt prey. Bengal tigers coexist with other animals, though rarely come into contact with other species because of their nocturnal nature. When they hunt, they use their stripes to camouflage themselves, stalking their prey before they attack with their powerful muscles. A hungry tiger can eat as much as 60 pounds, though they usually eat less. Even with their hunting strength and position at the top of the food chain, Bengal tigers usually avoid humans. If they do attack humans, it’s because they are sick or their prey is gone.

Interesting Facts

The Bengal tiger is the national animal of India and Bangladesh and each tiger’s stripes are unique to them, similar to a human’s fingerprints. Their canine teeth are the longest of any living cat, measuring in at about 4” long, perfect for climbing trees. There are several conservation efforts currently in India and Nepal, with 11 protected areas, the creation of The Tiger Project, and the attention of the Wildlife Protection Society of India catching poachers and confiscating any tiger pelts. In 2012, the World-Wide Fund for Nature created a campaign called “Save Tigers Now” to work against threats and help to increase the Bengal Tiger population by 2022.


  • Li on November 8
    This is not right! You are treating the animals like slaves, and who knows where the animals will end up? In a cage? This company is the worst I've ever come across.
  • dana on April 6
    I want to buy female and male bengal tigers
  • nathan on February 22
    roy think of it as conservation or acting as a body guard from would be poachers.
  • roy_463 on December 5
    tigers are endangered and most are in cages. female tigers need 7 miles of range and males need 39 miles so a few feet of cages is not enough