Exotic Animals

Not all exotic animals make good pets, please do research when contacting anyone on an animal you want as a pet. Also, some states, counties, municipalities and cities require a license, permit or for you to register the exotic animal in your location.
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There are many types of exotic animals for sale in the United States. You will have to research the species you are thinking about to see if it is the right one for you. Also ask as to who you want this exotic animal in your life. Do not choose to get one because it is something interesting to talk about at work, or it is unique and will make people wish they had one also. These are bad reasons to buy one and the exotic animals end up in sanctuaries or released into the wild. If you truly want to commit your time, energy and money to an animal that will bring you joy and pain then all I ask is that you fully research the species and if possible talk to others that currently own that type of animal.
Do consider that certain types of exotic animals do require a USDA permit or other state or federal permits. Also some exotic animals are outlawed in certain cities, or states. Please contact your local and state departments to find if the animal is allowed, requires a permit, or any facility requirement and inspections. Another aspect that you need to find out before buying an exotic animal is if there is a veterinarian in your area that will treat the animal. If not one locally, then where is the closest one.
You can find some species of exotic animals in the pet stores. You can find chinchillas, sugar gliders, degus and others. But you will not find large cats, bears, zebras, foxes or other large exotics at a pet store. You will have to locate a private breeder through the web or exotic animal magazines.
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