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  • Posted On: 05/20/2012
  • Title: Two beautiful ringtail mosaic females
  • Name: Jamie Hewes
  • Location: Connecticut
  • Hello , I have two beautiful ringtail mosaic 12.5% Lue het female sisters . They are a bit older but still under a year! They can be found at TPG database under Asteria and Lena. I've only had the, since January and they weren't handled that much before they came to me!! They are a tad skittish but not bad. They hav gotten used to me and no linger crab at all so I don't believe it would take them much to trust a new individual either. I'd rather not seperate the girls but will of necessary !! I'm asking 1700.00 for both or 900.00 separately. I am willing to drive up to four hours to meet someone halfway or shipping is available via airlines!! I had every intentions of keeping the girls With their parents but mom has three new joeys that I will have to take care of soon! Thank you for looking!
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