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  • Posted On: 12/02/2020
  • Title: Neutered male arctic fox
  • Name: Tracie
  • Location: Bellville, Ohio
  • I have a 4 year old very tame polar blue male arctic for $400. He was one of my breeeders, but I had to get him neutered to save his life. He is not food aggressive, loves to have his back and head scratched. He doesn’t liked to be picked up, 4 on the floor is his comfort zone. He loves to dig and is a chatterbox. He has been raised in an outdoor pen and will not be able to be litter trained or left alone inside the house. I would love for him to have a female companion where someone doesn’t want pups. I am firm on the $400 as the vet performed the required surgery for me for free after I had already spent well over $1500 to figure out what was wrong with him. I want to give the vet the money for saving his life. He is a good fox. I will make no money on this deal, but he is a great little fellow(loved dearly by me) and hopefully a great companion for someone else's fox. Thanku
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