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  • Posted On: 06/03/2013
  • Title: Coatimundi
  • Name: ayanna rucker
  • Location: North Carolina
  • Coatimundi is a small mammal that belongs to the raccoon family. If you want an exotic pet that is like a two-year-old the Coatimundi could be perfect for you. They are not like a cat or dog, but more like a gremlin. This is a small mammal with a long head with a flexible trunk like nose with small ears and a black face mask.
    They live in the lowland rain forests of Central & South America and the southwestern North America including portions of the United States.

    Coatimundis vary in color from cinnamon, red-brown, or chocolate brown with a yellow to dark brown belly. They have a long tail and will live 10-15 years. The males get to 16 pounds and the females only to 9 pounds. This would make them the size of a large house cat.

    In the wild, they will eat fruit, eggs and meat. In fact, iguanas are terrified by the site of a Coatimundi. A breeder suggests in captivity to give them the following diet. There diet should include 95% Purina New World Money Chow and the 5% left split up among the following. They should also have fruit, bananas, raisins, oranges and cooked chicken. Some pet owners feed them cat food, but monkey chow is better for them. This is due to a Coatimundi being an omnivore. Some other treats include honey, fig newtons and marshmallows. Do not ever give them avocados, chocolate or caffeine.

    They should be always fed in their cage. If you feed them from the table, you will be sorry. They learn quickly and will just help themselves to food when you are not paying attention.

    Coatimundi is an excellent pet, if you understand a few things. They are loving, but they are not cats or dogs. They are not lap dogs, because they are far too active. They must be supervised constantly, if they are out of their cage. They are intelligent, inquisitive and skillful with their hands. It is amazing to watch them turn knobs and open latches and get otni all kinds of mischief.
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